Sample Test Questions
The sample test questions are designed to provide an additional resource to help you effectively prepare for the CPACE. The primary purpose of the documents is to help you become familiar with the structure and type of questions on the test.
The CPACE–Content sample test questions include test directions, 10 multiple-choice questions, and 3 focused constructed-response assignments.
An answer key is included for the multiple-choice questions. The answer key lists both the correct answer and the competency the question assesses. Strong sample responses to the assignments are included for the constructed-response assignments along with the score scale against which responses will be evaluated.
Sample Test Questions
The CPACE–Performance sample test questions include test directions and 2 written assignments.
Strong sample responses to the written assignments are included along with the score scales against which responses will be evaluated.
Sample Test Questions
The sample test questions are
provided as a PDF document. To
view or print the file, you will
need Adobe Acrobat®
Reader v5.0 or higher
installed on your computer. Please
note that double-sided printing
is recommended for this document.